
Recycle saves you time by storing your commonly used files and templates for future use

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Recycle is a glorified copy-paste utility for managing commonly-used templates and boilerplate. After creating a template once, you can save it with recycle for use in the future. Recycle can manage templates for single files or even entire directory structures.


Recycle can be installed with pip:

pip install recycle

Or by cloning the repo and running

python install


Recycling 101

To save some files for later use, simply run


So for example

re new MathHomework ~/homework.tex

Would save the file homework.tex under the name "MathHomework" Similarly,

re new WebApp ~/WebAppTemplate/

Would save the directory ~/WebAppTemplate under the name "WebApp" Recycle also supports globbing which is cool.

NOTE: If you try to same something using a name that has already been assigned, you will be prompted to overwrite the existing files. This will completely replace the existing saved files.


To use an existing template, run


This will copy all of the files associated with that name to the current directory. For example, to create a new web app one might use

re use WebApp

Boom! All your files are magically there. You can get started on the fun stuff. If your template happens to include a file or directory that already exists in the directory you're trying to use it in, Recycle will ask if you want to skip that file or directory or overwrite the one that exists.

Listing Saved Files

You can list all the templates you have with

re list

No explanation needed, hopefully

Deleting Templates

You can delete a template with

re delete NAME

As expected, this is permanent and cannot be undone.

Changing Recycle Directory

You can change where recycle stores your templates by setting the RECYCLE_TEMPLATE_DIR environmental variable. The default is ~/.recycle/. You can view the currently used directory with

re location